The Hibernian Society of Savannah

Since the flow of Irish immigrants has slowed to barely a trickle in recent years, the Hibernian Society of Savannah has expanded its scope to include other worthy causes and continues its mission as a charitable organization through The Hibernian Society of Savannah Foundation, Inc.

The Hibernian Society of Savannah Foundation, Inc.
2012 - 2013

The Foundation proudly supports the following charities and organizations:

Benedictine Military School
Carmelite Monastery
Catholic Cemetery Preservation Society
Catholic Charities (Hurricane Sandy Relief)
Commodore John Barry Project at Annapolis
Empty Stocking Fund
Families in Need
Inner City Night Shelter
St. Vincent's Academy
Social Apostolate
The 200 Club of the Coastal Empire
Wounded Warrior Project

Designated Gifts to the Foundation in Memory of:

Mrs. Jane Harty Abbott
Mr. Laurie K. Abbott
Mr. Thomas J. Beytagh, Sr.
Dr. Patrick A. Bremer
Mr. John M. Brennan, Sr.
James J. and Mary A. Bruggeman
Mr. Charles E. Butler, Jr.
Sr. Mary Brigid Buttimer, RSM
Mr. Walter Corish
Joseph P. and Anne Fahey Counihan, Sr.
Dr. Richard A. Dooley, II
Mr. Frederic G. Doyle, Jr.
Mr. Frederic G. Doyle, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Harvey Ferrelle, Jr.
Mr. Anthony Harty, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Scott Ferelle
Col. Daniel T. Fogarty
George and Mary A. Hammitt
Mr. J. Harry Haslam, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Edmund Inglesby, III
Col. Joseph A. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lyons
Mr. John J. Lyons, Sr.
Dr. Joseph A. Mulherin
Mr. Joseph C. Muller
Mr. Charles E. Rice
Mrs. Edith Logan Rice
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rice, Jr.
Mr. Francis P. Rossiter, Sr.
Mrs. Julianne Inez Rossiter
Mrs. Marianna Seyden
Mr. Daniel J. Sheehan, Jr.
Mr. Daniel J. Sheehan, Sr.
Mr. Thomas J. Sheehan, Sr.
Mr. Murtagh A. Spellman
Mr. James F. Stafford, Sr.
Mr. John J. Stafford
Mr. Thomas J. Whalen, Sr.
Mr. John P. White, Jr.

Donors to the Foundation:

The Hibernian Society of Savannah
Mr. Anthony H. Abbott
Mr. Richard A. Belford, Jr.
Mr. Frederick S. Bergen
Mr. Thomas J. Beytagh, Jr.
Mr. Joseph O. Blanco
The Most Reverend J. Kevin Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. William Bruggeman
Mr. Patrick J. Buttimer
Mr. Walter C. Corish, Jr.
Mr. Joseph P. Counihan, Jr.
Mr. Edward P. Daly, Jr.
Mr. Frederic G. Doyle, III
Mr. Michael C. Doyle
Mr. Robert W. Doyle
Mr. W. Bernard Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. C. Harvey Ferrelle, III
Mr. Joseph M. Gannam
Mr. James L. Groover, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Harry Haslam, Jr.
Mr. Emmett R. Highland
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Hohenstein, III
Mr. & Mrs. John W. James
Dr. & Mrs. Paul F. Jurgensen
Mr. William J. Kehoe, III
Mr. Eugene A. Kelly
Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Logan
The Rev. John J. Lyons
Mr.  Stephen G. Lyons
Mr. Thomas O. Mulherin
Mr. James W. Muller
Mr. John D. R. Muller
Mr. Joseph C. Muller, Jr.
Mr. Peter D. Muller
Mr. Walter B. Murphy. III
Dr. Francis P. Rossiter, Jr.
Mr. William W. Shearouse
Mr. Brendan T. Sheehan
Mr. Kevin L. Sheehan
Mr. Leo K. Sheehan
Mr. Timothy Sheehan
Mr. & Donald M. Thompson
Mr. Timothy H. Ward
Mr. Thomas J. Whalen, Jr.
Lt. Col. Stephen B. Williams
Mr. Rupert Woodruff

Board Members:

Dr. Francis P. Rossiter, Jr., President
William H. Bruggeman
Frederic G. Doyle, III
Thomas K. O’Brien, Jr.
William W. Shearouse, Jr.

Contributions are tax deductible and may be mailed to:

The Hibernian Society of Savannah Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 8241
Savannah, Ga 31412-8241

The Hibernian Society of Savannah Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization.    
Federal Tax ID: 58-2414112.  A copy of the Foundation's Charter and Bylaws is available upon request.

The music on this page courtesy of Sláinte.

Copyright @ 2009 - 2016  |  The Hibernian Society of Savannah
Last updated: February 19, 2016