The Hibernian Society of Savannah



211 Years Old and Counting!
We've Been Adding the Irish Twinkle to Savannah's Eyes Since 1812!

The Hibernian Society of Savannah was founded in 1812 for the purpose of offering aid and assistance to needy Irish immigrants. We are the oldest of Savannah's many Irish societies and organizations. We are also the originators of Savannah's Saint Patrick's Day Parade!

Preamble of the Hibernian Society of Savannah
Adopted at a Meeting held March 17th, 1812

The Program Cover for the 200th Anniversary Dinner was based on the cover of the 100th Anniversary Dinner Program in 1912.Irishmen, inclined as they are by nature to good fellowship and charity, should not forget, in a foreign land,  the duties they owe to themselves, their national character and their distressed countrymen. These obligations are the more important to Irishmen, because, during the long period of their oppression, Irishmen have been useful to themselves, their country, and their brethren, only in proportion to their exercise of those generous, charitable and sterling traits with which it has pleased God to distinguish them among the people of the earth. Every motive, too, presses itself upon the heart of each true Irishman to foster an affectionate attachment for his native land, a country the more particularly unfortunate because her destiny has been unmerited, and therefore the more entitled to the tender consideration of her own sons, and of the good, the generous and the enlightened of other nationalities.

Driven from unhappy Erin by unrelenting tyranny, afflicted and persecuted Irishmen seek an asylum in this favored republic, endeavoring to find, under the auspices of liberal institutions, the only consolations that can remain to exiles thrust out of a beloved home by want and oppression. To these it becomes the duty of their more fortunate brethren settled in this free country, and enjoying the benefits of its hospitality, to reach out the hand of friendship, to tender the aid of a delicate charity, and to offer any other assistance which fraternal, manly and kindly feelings may inspire.


The Celtic Cross Ceremony - March 11, 2012.  Photo by Paul H. Camp.
The Celtic Cross Ceremony - March 11, 2012

 The music on this page courtesy of the Youghal Pipe Band.

Copyright @ 2009 - 2024  |  The Hibernian Society of Savannah
Last updated Wednesday, August 21, 2024


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